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Investment In Turkey

Buying real estate in Turkey for sale is about more than just finding a place to call home. Investing in real estate has become increasingly popular over the last fifty years and has become a common investment vehicle. Although the invest in turkey has plenty of opportunities for making big gains, buying and owning real estate is a lot more complicated than investing in stocks and bonds. In this article, we'll go beyond buying a home and introduce you to real estate as an investment in turkey. WHY INVESMENT IN TURKEY IS SO POPULAR ? - Istanbul was elected as the top city in Europe for development prospects according to Uli-PwC 2013 report - 500.000 housing sales annually in Turkey - Up to 400 point direct flights from istanbul, 22 direct access to the capital cities within 22 hours. - A population of 75 million 50% under age 30. - Urbanization rate of 76.8% as of the year 2012 ,forecast of 2023 is 84% - Economical growth 9.2% and 8.5 % in 2010 and 2011 - Expected to become the largest economy in the world by 2050 - 16th largest economy in the world ,2012 GDP Usd 774bn. - Secondary potential cities for investment Ankara,izmir,Antalya,Bursa,Kocaeli,Adana and Mersin. - Turkey is visited by 36,776,000 tourist in 2012 - Turkey is the 6th most favourable tourism destination in the world. - 19 cities over 1 million population. - Istanbul as the financial centre of Turkey ,has growth potential of additional office development. Our goal is to provide better living and investment conditions for you. Now,visit us istanbul real estate and check our investment solutions.